Covid-19 Resources

The Covid-19 pandemic is directly affecting the health of the U.S. workforce. And as we continue to navigate these tough times, we will begin to see indirect effects on the overall health of the workforce across our nation. There are major disruptions in worksites across the U.S., and in some cases, businesses are shuttering their doors. Individuals may be experiencing more stress due to changes in their work life, uncertainty in job stability, or unemployment. In addition to the stress experienced by the workforce, people may not have access to the resources they normally utilize to maintain their health.   

Here at the Center for Workforce Health, we want to support worksites across the country by providing the tools and resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle during these difficult times.

We will be offering the Taking Charge program FREE of charge for a limited time to worksites interested in supporting the health of their employees. Taking Charge is a smartphone-based, wellness program for adults that includes a robust Stress Management component. Contact for more information.

Additional Covid-19 Resources:

How to Protect Yourself & Others, please see this resource from the CDC.

Getting your Workplace Ready for Covid-19 please see this resource from WHO.  

Further guidance on Covid-19 can be found at WHO and CDC.